Comprehensive Lighting Proposal


For the most efficient LED lighting upgrade!

The proposal will include an analysis of the current lighting system and recommendations for the most efficient LED lighting upgrade for the application.

Our detailed proposal will include a design layout of the building showing the positioning of all fixtures, including additional fixtures if required, or removal of any existing fixtures that will not be utilized. The proposal will include an analysis of the current lighting system and recommendations for the most efficient lighting upgrade for the application.

The proposal will also include saving calculations that compare the current amount of electricity being used, the amount that will be used by the new LED system, the kilowatt-hours saved, annualized dollars saved based on the kilowatt rate, the project payback based on savings, and the return on investment.

Infinity Lighting Solutions works with TGHA Group, experts at navigating the complex process for each utility company. Their experience and know-how allow us to qualify every eligible project to receive the maximum incentives from each participating utility.

Savings Calculator Example

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